Battle cry of the childless cat lady

It is time to stop making single women the scapegoats just because they do not conform to societal pressures.

The writer says it is time to stop making single women scapegoats just because they do not conform to societal pressures. ST PHOTO: LIM YAOHUI
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Donald Trump is at it again. As momentum for the US presidential election continues to shift in favour of the Democratic Party’s nominee, Ms Kamala Harris, he has doubled down on personal attacks against the Vice-President.

Despite the Republican Party increasingly imploring him to stick to campaigning on policy issues, he persisted with making disparaging remarks about his rival at a recent rally. He mocked her laugh, called her a “communist” and a “lunatic” and, quite laughably, said he was “much better looking than her”, when referencing Ms Harris on the cover of Time magazine.

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