2023-06-26 by Asif Khan

Why Do We Crave Junk Food?


Ever wondered, when we see a mouthwatering dish or smell the aroma of freshly baked cake, why do our cravings become so intense and irresistible? This phenomenon can be attributed to the complex workings of our brains. Researchers have identified three specific brain regions that play a role in food cravings: the hippocampus, insula, and caudate.

Okay, but why do we only crave some foods?

Cravings usually occur when you are stressed or on an emotional rollercoaster. At such a point your brain needs some calmness. And it tends to achieve that through food. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates (eg: potato chips or candy bars) have a calming effect on our brain. Recent research even suggests that combining fat and sugar in certain foods may enhance this soothing sensation. This is probably because carbs and sugars increase serotonin levels in the brain.

But why sugars and fat? Why not veggies and salad?

Our bodies have been wired to accumulate fat as a survival advantage during a limited food supply. As a result, we naturally gravitate towards calorie-dense foods, which can trigger cravings.

Is this the only reason we crave some foods?

Studies have also shown that our genetic makeup could play a role in our food preferences. Sometimes, consuming the same foods repeatedly may even make us more prone to cravings for variety and novelty. Lastly, specific foods may hold personal significance and evoke positive memories, making them more appealing and crave-worthy to individuals.

tags: curiousExplorer listener-question dps-secunderabad